Scientists reveal the best workouts for Britain's workforce

As official restrictions have now eased most work-from-home Brits are now back in the office. But not everything has to be ‘business as usual’ as leading Sports & Exercise Scientist, Dr Peter Angell, has revealed some of the best workouts to complement different job types, with some surprising findings.

In his findings Dr Angell has recommended: yoga for tradespeople; martial arts for office workers; boxing for hairdressers; drum & bass dance workouts for retail workers; HIIT & Zumba for healthcare professionals; kickboxing for teachers; skipping for drivers; and digital workouts for stay-at-home parents.

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The research marks the launch of global fitness app TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT on the HUAWEI WATCH 3 AppGallery, delivering a seamless and connected experience between smartphone and smartwatch devices. To further reward WATCH 3 customers, TRUCONNECT and HUAWEI AppGallery are offering a year’s free subscription to TRUCONNECT to experience all the benefits of a truly integrated fitness app.

Dr Angell initially examined the typical exercise profile of different jobs and formulated his workout advice to include exercises that would target opposing muscle groups and relax or strengthen areas of the body that people in different jobs need the most.

His key findings for each job type are highlighted below, along with teaser videos for the best TRUCONNECT content per profession, with a full report by Dr Angell available on request.


Includes jobs like: Builder, plumber, electrician, roofer, carpenter, painter/decorator.

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Profile: A job that involves lifting heavy tools and equipment, manual labour and lots of time standing up.

Dr Angell says: “According to data from the Health and Safety Executive, of the 81,000 work-related ill-health cases reported annually by construction workers around 57% are musculoskeletal disorders.”

Dr Angell recommends not more heavy lifting, but Yoga or Pilates: “Exercise such as yoga or Pilates are excellent for developing overall general strength throughout the body with a particular focus on ‘core strength’ and can facilitate the development of mobility and strength throughout a full range of motion, which is vital for preventing overuse injuries.”

Find a taster video of the best curated TRUCONNECT workouts available to view/embed here.

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Healthcare Professionals

Includes jobs like: Doctor, nurse, midwife, paramedic, porter, pharmacist.

Profile: A job that involves being on your feet for long periods of time, a high daily step-count and can include a small amount of upper body exercise. This type of job also leaves limited spare time for working out.

Dr Angell says: “Those working in health and social care have some of the highest rates of work-related ill health. Whilst 50% of work-related ill health cases were linked to stress, depression or anxiety, there were around 63,000 cases of musculoskeletal disorders reported in the health sector.”

Whole-body HIIT or Tabata based workouts are ideal for those with limited time availability and the use of a smartwatch to track metrics such as heart rate during a workout can help ensure an appropriate intensity is maintained to reap all the benefits of the workoutTo maintain an exercise regime, particularly in those with high-stress jobs and limited time, the need for a workout that is fun and enjoyable is not to be underestimated. Workouts such as Zumba, hula-hooping or skipping can add a fun element to exercise and increase the chances of maintaining it long-term.”

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Find a taster video of the best curated TRUCONNECT workouts available to view/embed here.

Hair or Beauty Therapists

Includes jobs like: Hairdresser, barber, beautician.

Profile: A job that involves standing in the same position for long periods of time with some use of upper body, arms and hands.

Dr Angell says: “Just as prolonged sitting has been highlighted as a significant health risk in recent years, there is growing evidence that excessive time standing can be just as problematic for overall healthIn addition, there is also a risk of overuse of repetitive strain injuries and the development of lower limb and back discomfort.”

For those who spend a lot of time on their feet, a whole-body work out to help develop whole-body strength and endurance is pivotal. Boxing or boxing-related workouts are excellent workouts for engaging the whole body. In addition, the utilisation of Pilates can improve trunk strength and stability, vital for postural strength and stability, whilst also limiting impact on joints that are taking the strain throughout the working day. The use of activity trackers can also be extremely beneficial for those in this area.”

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