Five tips to tackle remortgaging

Top tips for remortgaging Top tips for remortgaging
Top tips for remortgaging
Five tips to tackle remortgaging

A mortgage expert has revealed her top five tips to tackle the daunting prospect of remortgaging.

Fears have been raised about a financial timebomb - with more than 2.4 million deals ending in 2024 - as homeowners face a significant jump in their repayments.

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Felicity Holloway, who heads mortgages at Moneybox Home-buying, has revealed how those affected can navigate their remortgage journey with greater confidence.

Preparation is key

Felicity said: "Just like when applying for a mortgage to buy a first home, homeowners needing to remortgage in the near future should make sure their financial records paint the best possible picture of their financial situation, to maximise chances of securing the best rate from a lender.

"Gather and review all supporting documentation in plenty of time including ID, wage slips, and bank statements, and triple-checking credit report details are up to date and accurate.

"Even though homeowners will have been making repayments on their mortgage for a number of years at this stage, a lot of factors can impact credit scores - it continues to play a big part in both your ability to remortgage and the rate you may get offered.

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"For example, regular bills - including utilities or your phone bill - count towards credit scores, no matter how small. Make them all on time, and it will boost it up - but miss them, and it will fall."

Homeowners will also need to ask their current lender for a redemption statement - this shows the amount left to repay, and how much you’ll need to borrow.

It’ll also detail any early repayment charges or exit fees if homeowners are leaving their current deal early - so make sure these are factored into any decisions.

Ask ALL your questions

Felicity added: "There is no doubt it can feel overwhelming for homeowners at times when it’s hard to turn on the news without hearing about interest rates and the impact of the rising cost of mortgages.

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"However, it's important to look beyond these headlines and don’t assume that the worst-case scenario will necessarily apply to you.

"All homeowners can get expert, free, and impartial advice from mortgage brokers and so shouldn't be afraid to quiz them and get all their questions answered before they start a mortgage application.

"A broker will be able to assess your circumstances and let you know what is actually available to you in the market."

Felicity revealed it is also important to quiz any broker you may be thinking of working with on their processes and find out if they are 'whole of the market'.

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She added: "Some mortgage brokers are tied to one lender or a small panel - which could result in missing out on a better one, so this is essential to know before appointing anyone."

Never accept the first offer

Felicity also reminds homeowners they should never take the first mortgage offer they receive - as there are often better deals out there.

She said: "Most homeowners will be contacted by their existing mortgage lender, six to nine months before a fixed deal ends, and be offered a new rate - a ‘Product Transfer’.

"While it might be tempting to just log on and sign up for this offer because the process is so simple, with rates being so high it's important to do proper research to make sure that it's the best deal available.