Young Jimmy’s 5k challenge helps his school’s food bank

Jimmy with some of the donations made to the LaceyField food bank. EMN-200412-115041001Jimmy with some of the donations made to the LaceyField food bank. EMN-200412-115041001
Jimmy with some of the donations made to the LaceyField food bank. EMN-200412-115041001
Kind-hearted pupils and staff have established a food bank at LaceyField Academy in Louth – and have already distributed over a hundred parcels to LaceyField families.

This incredible community resource has been made possible by the overwhelming number of donations that have flooded in from the community and local businesses.

LaceyField – the home of Eastfield Infants and Nursery Academy, and Lacey Gardens Junior Academy - have developed a partnership with the Trinity Centre’s food bank.

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Year 3 pupil Jimmy Stanley ran 5k, expecting to only receive a few food donations for the food bank in return.

Jimmy, with his Louth Old Boys hat and scarf, alongside Sophie Archer (Teaching Assistant at LaceyField) before his run. EMN-200412-115052001Jimmy, with his Louth Old Boys hat and scarf, alongside Sophie Archer (Teaching Assistant at LaceyField) before his run. EMN-200412-115052001
Jimmy, with his Louth Old Boys hat and scarf, alongside Sophie Archer (Teaching Assistant at LaceyField) before his run. EMN-200412-115052001

However, Jimmy and his family were astounded by the incredible kindness and mountains of food donated.

He completed the run in under 45 minutes, in late November, and made everyone proud with his efforts.

Jimmy decided to complete the run for the LaceyField food bank, saying that he did so “because my friends shouldn’t go hungry, and because I like to help”.