Yearning for a bit of Italy

In the midst of a cold and dark British winter many of us are probably dreaming of ‘la dolce vita’ and the warmth of a Mediterranean summer.

So it’s no surprise that a group of people get together regularly to celebrate all things Italian.

Voglia d’Italia - which means yearning for Italy - was launched 15 years ago to cater for people in north Notts and South Yorkshire who want to share their love for the country.

And you don’t have to speak the language to join.

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President Barry Lamper and his wife Pat, who is secretary, joined 12 years ago after seeing the group advertised in the Worksop Guardian.

Barry, of Devonshire Street, Worksop, said: “We’ve had quite a few holidays in Italy and we like the way of life they have there.”

“I really enjoy Italian music, like Puccini and Verdi, and we like Italian food and try to eat a Mediterranean diet because it’s healthier.”

“We don’t speak Italian but we like the language, and the sunshine of course.”

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The Voglia d’Italia group meets at Tickhill Pavilion on the first Friday of every month from September to June and has an impressive programme of events.

On 1st February comedian John Slater will be sharing his thoughts on visiting Italy, followed on 1st March by Sicilian chef Gianluca Etiopia demonstrating pasta making.

Future meetings will include a look at the life and works of Verdi and a talk about the unification of Italy in 1861.

Pat said one of the most interesting speakers they have had was fourth generation Italian Michael Massarella, whose family were ice cream makers in Sheffield.