Starry, starry night at woodland party

Stargazing at Chambers Farm Wood.
Image by Mark Pinder EMN-190117-073536001Stargazing at Chambers Farm Wood.
Image by Mark Pinder EMN-190117-073536001
Stargazing at Chambers Farm Wood. Image by Mark Pinder EMN-190117-073536001
Sparkling star clusters and remote galaxies are the enticing quarry as night owls are invited to journey into outer space.

Expert stargazers will be going into warp drive to stage a spring star party in the 900-acre Chambers Farm Wood, near Wragby, on Saturday, March 23.

Spring is known as the galaxy observing season, with scores of these distant star cities millions of light years away visible in telescopes.

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Amateur astronomer Richard Darn said: “The dark skies above Chambers really come into their own when seeking out such distant objects and there will also be many other objects on view closer to home.

Stargazing has become really popular and this is a great chance to find out more.”

The event, at the Chambers Farm Wood Centre, costs £11 for adults and £7 children, including refreshments.

Places are limited so booking is essential at or email [email protected]

Take along a torch and warm clothing.

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There will also be colourful presentations indoors before going outside to use telescopes if the weather is clear.

The event starts at 7.30pm and will go ahead in all weather.

The centre is signed off the B1203, Wragby to Bardney road.

For more information, contact Richard on 07753 67 0038.

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